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Importance of Proper Disposal 

The health and safety of the public in general, and of health care workers and their patients in particular, depends upon the quality and professionalism of the medical waste disposal system. Infections, injuries and environmental pollution are all possible unwanted side effects of incompetent or irresponsible medical waste disposal. That is why nearly all health related businesses and service providers rely upon a medical waste disposal company in order to ensure that any waste they produce is safely and professionally gotten rid of.

 What You Need to Know About Medical Waste Disposal

Nearly all productive human activities produce some quantity of waste, but there are special factors that need to be taken into account when the waste that is being produced is through health care related activities. These waste products include a wide range of medical materials, including chemicals, devices, dressings, syringes and needle disposal, blood and even the production of waste materials that are radioactive.

Potential Risks

Whenever healthcare waste is not properly handled, employees, patients and the public at large may face risks of exposure to toxins that can cause infection or other threats to health and safety. There are also risks of polluting the natural environment. It is essential to both health care workers and the general public that all medical waste materials are properly handled when first created, appropriately treated for storage and pick up and disposed of in a safe and appropriate manner.

 Nature of Medical Waste

Most medical waste is not hazardous. In fact, over 80% of health care generated waste is not considered potentially dangerous. However, the remaining one fifth of medical waste is in some way toxic, ranging from potentially infectious to dangerously radioactive. There are literally billions of medical injections performed every year, making medical waste transportation and proper needle disposal a major health industry concern. Water by-products, bodily fluids and blood disposal, bandages, chemicals and solvents, drugs and radioactive materials all require safe medical waste transportation and proper medical waste disposal done by professionals.